Friday, March 25th, A told me that he wanted to take me on a surprise date. Honestly, I had no clue that this was about to be the biggest surprise of my life! A picked me up and - now knowing what followed that car ride - he really wasn't acting nervous at all. He claims that he was hiding behind his dark sunglasses, typical.
He takes me to his house in Norman and naturally I ask if he cooked me dinner and he says yes. He then opens the door and I am taken aback because he has blacked out the walls with sheets and there were incredible flowers, candles, and pictures EVERYWHERE. I am an idiot and STILL don't realize what's happening. In my head, it's just an exceptional date.
Then I spot the piano. I know that he doesn't have a piano at his house so I really start to think that he has pulled out all the stops for this date. He leads me over to it and tells me that he wrote a song for me. A is a really wonderful pianist and always makes up catchy little ballads (think Jack Black in The Holiday). I always try to get him to make one up for me, but he never will. Until March 25th. So he plays "my song" and that's when it hit me - UM. I think this might be more than the typical date.
This is where it gets kinda fuzzy in my mind and I don't exactly remember the order of it all but I'll start with the most important - he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes (to him and the most beautiful ring in the world). He then gave me a journal that each day he had written a reason why he loved me, along with 5 cards containing 5 promises that he is making as my future husband. He then led me to the couch, where he read from his Bible the passage where Jesus washes the disciples feet to show them the extent of His love (an ultimate act of humility). He had a basin of water and rags and washed my feet and I, in turn, washed his. We sat for an hour or so, talking and taking in the sweetness of the moment and thennnnn he took me to Nonna's in the City where my family, his family, and both of our friends were there waiting. It was perfect.
I've had at least four million people ask if I cried. For those of you who are thinking about upping that number, I'll fill you in. NO. no tears. What?! You may be thinking..."But Alex, you cry at everything!" That's true. But I have some sort of pathological issue that I cannot cry at real life happy things that happen to me. I cry in Disney channel original movies, I cry at motivational YouTube videos, but I can't cry at the real life stuff. It's really a big problem. I am terrified that I won't cry at my wedding or the birth of a child (which, by the way, is a LONG way off for A and I) and people will think that I am a cold-hearted person who doesn't love my husband or child.
To wrap this up, I thought I'd end with some pictures from the engagement and the festivities following.

Telling the story...


A's family...

My family...

Thanks to everyone who's been so supportive and kind to Aaron and I during this precious time in our lives - you've made this experience that much sweeter!
beautiful story for a beautiful girl! :) blessings to you both on the journey to the altar... i miss you! come visit me at THS sometime soon! book recommendation: _10 Great Dates Before You Say "I Do!"_ by: Arp & Brown... LOVED!