...at the City Rescue Mission

The City Rescue Mission (CRM) is a "relief shelter to meet the needs of the homeless by both providing services that fill immediate physical needs (showers, food, clothing, a night's rest, etc.) and offering longer-term, assistance programs that give members the "confidence and knowledge to become productive members of [the] community".

 If you are looking for an organization to donate to, volunteer at, and pray for, the City Rescue Mission is a most worthy choice. Kitty, Caitlyn, A., and I have spent the past 6 months volunteering in the tutoring program. We have truly fallen in love with the kids and the Mission itself. 

For more information please visit: 

To read about our "Adventures in Tutoring" see:

To watch a video promoting our sorority's fundraiser (benefitting City Rescue), please click:

"The truth about it is, whether we is rich or poor or somethin in between, this earth ain't no final restin place. So in a way, we is all homeless--just workin our way toward home." -Denver Moore