I realize that I am slightly dramaticizing a pretty standard procedure in the life of a female; however, think of all of the physical changes that we go through within the course of our lifetime. I personally have endured much awkwardness of growing up in a physical sense. While I could try to describe "awkward Alex", perhaps it would be of greater benefit to just show you...
If you only knew the time my mom
spent "poofing" those bangs:

I can't decide what's worse:
the face I'm making or the
high-waisted soffee shorts?

Was the tie-the-jacket-around-your-waist
look ever really IN?!

Here I thought I was having a good hair day...

It is evident that as far as physical appearances go, I have come a long way from my middle part, pantyhose necklaces, and unfortunate style. But really, in 10 years will I be looking back having a laugh at my (current) beaded bracelets, track shorts, oversized tshirts, and even my new hair? Probably.
Do you ever wish that you were one of those women who could pull off the "timeless look". You know...the Audrey Hepburn-esque style. The Chanel-wearers of the world. I certainly do.
I think that, despite the ever-changing world around us, God has instilled a desire in each of us to seek out the constants. We all LONG for that which is timeless. Simply put, our heart's ongoing search for consistency only further reinforces our need for the Savior's UNCHANGING love.
Honestly, my biggest attempt to find consistency is in my relationships with others. Because my friends, parents, boyfriend, etc. are all human, I am continually let down and disappointed by their actions. My disappointment turns to bitterness and, in turn, I harbor selfishness, resentment, and even anger. While I rarely outwardly act on these emotions, inside, they tear me up.
God, help me to realize that the ONLY thing that's timeless and worth placing stock in is YOUR unchanging character and YOUR gift and promise of grace for my life. Let me have faith in you only, because you are the only true constant I will ever find. Lord, let me develop relationships with others and teach me to love them how you love me. As many times as I disappoint you and let you down, Your abundance of grace always affirms your never-ending love for me. Thank you for providing the ultimate example of love through the sacrifice of your son.
“Earthly love is temporal and slight so that it has to be given again and again in order for us to feel any sense of security; but God’s love, God’s voice and presence, would instill our souls with such affirmation we would need nothing more and would cause us to love other people so much that we would be willing to die for them” -Donald Miller
I love your new hair and I love you. All those pictures bring back sweet memories, I'm so thankful to have such a good friend to go through different seasons of change with!