I figured that I better start this adventure with a professional and my Nana is, by all means, a cooking expert. Nana has two quotes that she lives by in the kitchen. The first is: "A little bit of butter makes the bitter batter better". I, who have no objections to extreme margarine consumption, find this quote more than satisfactory. Nana's second kitchen motto is: "A good cook is a neat cook". Ummm, let's just say I was going to struggle with this one.
So the goal was to make a chocolate buttermilk cake and to decorate the cake with fondant.
We started with the buttercream fondant. I learned that (I am going to show my ignorance here) "confectioners sugar" is really just a fancy name for powdered sugar. It is herein that Nana's second golden rule by broken; note that the powdered sugar can get messy! I would have taken a picture but there was no time as Nana made me immediately clean my sugary mess. Oops!
Next was baking the actual cake. This part was relatively easy as, let's just be honest, Nana did most of the work.

The baked cake (yes, I cheated and used canned icing)...

The finished product...

I can't believe that I am saying this, but cooking was actually somewhat enjoyable. I would even venture to say that I am looking forward to my next cooking adventure.
If anyone wants some, I still have about half a cake left!

How fun! I'm so messy when I cook haha so it would've been pretty interesting. I totally call dibs on a piece! Love you!